i think my tagboard has some problem with it, right?
Anybody encounter problems with it?
I can't seem to post my replies. ):
Sooooo, I'll reply here:
Jo: Paid around 20bucks for the shipping!
Qianting: Hahahs, i got the results for all
the sub paper already, passed all! You? (:
Meri: Wahhhh, so sweeeeet! Omg,
I haven't personally order from
just joined a spree and ordered form there once!
Lol, i don't think i will buy anything from sephora singapore,
everything is so overpriced!
ShirleyG: Hehehe, okay, i'll make some for you
once your chucky-ish stitches come off! hehehee
Chicky: hahas, i still don't know who are you leh!
Xx: Maybe you can ask the info counter!
Cos i saw the book at kinokuniya at liang court.
Shirley: Hehehe, sure!
M: that's great! No problem luh (:
RYLS: hahahas! i bought all the stamp and the plates
then i rmb i forgot to buy the nail polish :x
I try already then i blog about it again ok!
Zerine: Oh cool! How was it, was it fun for you? (:
Gabriella: Hahaha, great,
i love the MAC eye prep and prime too!
Alicia: Awww, thanks babe! (:
Dee: Sasa (:
Passerby: Yup i do! (:
Ann: Hahahas, actually i love both!
Passerby: Thicken cream & Cream Cheese
can be found at Cold Storage.
Joey: hahahas, yeah, this year is our 5th year tgt!
Omg, super long right? The other day i got a shock
counting how many years we've been tgt as well!
Yyy: Up to you i guess,
but it's not that difficult to hand squeeze it luh :x
Lemon zest is the skin of the lemon.
Nat: Yup you're right! :D
Nicole: Maybe you can check out the Ettusais day protect powder.
It's a great loose powder, Or Charcott powder but
you have to google it for yourself to find online shops
that's selling charcott powder cos it's only available in japan!
Priscilla: Yup! I have the same problem,
Normally if i use it, i will use a conditioner to soften my hair 1st,
then shampoo twice to get rid of all the powder.
Evon: Yup, it's based in korea,
but you can order as long as you have paypal thou.
Shu Fen: Awww, thanks sweetie!
Felicia: Of course luh, i havent seen you since vday leh! ):
One month already!!!
Wawa: Normally i will apply my toner/serum first,
then apply the vit e! (:
Jess: Alrighty sweetie! ^-^
Jeanine: How can anybody not like cheesecake?!
Lol! Yah! when when wheeeeeeeeen~
Let's meet up for dinner or sth luh!
Sponsered Advertorial:

The lovely owners of super popular My Hula Monkey,
Nikkolette & Angela have sent me a few gorgeous pieces
from their shop!
I love it that they update regularly, around twice a week,
So i'll never have to waaaaaait for so long for the next collection,
Which i absolutely looooooove, and they're always stocked
with the latest most fashionable pieces that never fails to disappoint me!
Check out some of the pieces i've received from them!

There were a big hit the last time they released these,
and they would be available again tonight when they
release their huge kissass collection 33!
There will be over 40 designs to choose from,
so no matter what a picky shopper you are,
there will be something that's gonna draw your attention!
There's gonna be a promotion along with this post as well,
So check out tonight at 11pm!

Hahahas, couldn't wait and i always wore it the day
i received the packaging from My Hula Monkey!

Check out tonight at 11pm
for their huge upcoming collection 33!
Drop by for these
gorgeous trinklets today!
All of the Ettusais Brand Ambassador was invited
to Mykii, Holland Village for a press event of a
release of a new rock'in product!

I had like so much fun, lol,
the girls are super funny, especially grace!
But i cannnot show you girls what's in it yet,
but i can tell you for sure it's becoming of of
my favourite product from Ettusais!
with boyf and his audio tech course friends.

but this is really good! I wish the soundtrack would be released soooooon.
I've always enjoyed watching musicals because it's always so captivating,
and there's so much drama all over the stage to lay my eyes on,
since i'm a person who gets bored & restless very very easily,
watching a musical never fails to catch my attention.

"Let the right one in"
It's a 2008 Swedisk romantic horror film directed by Tomas Alfredson.
It tells of a bullied 12-year-old boy who develops
a friendship with a vampire.
Oh maaaaan, unless you're not easily bored & restless,
i don't really recommand this movie,
i hate arty farty films that is like damn draggy
drag and crap so much just to send a stupid message to the audience.
Honesty, I really don't have the patience for that.
And least you love blood and gore...

She can't like go and wash off all the blood before yakking
on and on to Oskar for like what, 10 minutes or so,
damn disturbing please.

Boo hoo, it's just not my type of movie!
Boyf & i bought our 1st couple ring 4 years plus ago,
And i really don't like that ring anymore,
I feel that it's super out of style & secondary sch-ish. (LOL)
This year is our 5th year tgt! Omg, super long right?
The other day i almost got a heart attach
counting how many years we've been tgt!
I'm sooooo excited!
We just order our 2nd couple ring from The Kiss Jp.
Costed us around SGD400 including shipping,
but i love it! I'm pretty sure i won't bump into other couples
wearing the same ring since it's like all the way from Japan?!
Hopefully not!

I'm sooooo excited! excited excited excited excited! :D
Okay, gotta go!
Sayonara, Loves! (:
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